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Meet The Cast!

Meet the wonderful assortment of characters you can find at Sals!

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The star and founder of the Dandies band, Sal Cougar is always busy keeping the show on the road.

Originally acting as the guitarist of the Dandies and later transitioning into his current position as lead singer, Sal is an experienced musician and lead With his bold personality and smoot talking, he’s the perfect fit for his role, and is always up to face whatever challenge may face him and his gang of friends. Just remember, never challenge him to a game of cards, unless you want to walk home with all your money gone!


Wesley weasel is a sly fellow with a bit of an attitude.

Since joining the band, he’s been the resident keyboard player and main backup singer. Ever since he was a young boy, Wesley has had a strong passion for the piano, and his incredible talent as a pianist is a valuable asset to the Dandies. His snarky personality makes him a bit of a nuisance to the other members of the band sometimes, but his redeeming qualities and charming personality outweigh his somewhat annoying aspects. Often finding himself in quarrels with Sal, he always knows the right thing to say to weasel himself out of any dispute. Wesley has been with the Dandies the longest of anyone, aside from the founder, Sal.


Harley hare is quite the loving soul. Born and raised in a small country town, she’s got a knack for the guitar and a big heart. Harley is one of the newest members of the band, but that’s not to say she’s unskilled. In fact, she’s one of the best guitarists in all of Michigan. Harley and Sal share a very close bond, as Sal acted as a sort of father figure for Harley, with him having been the one to show her the ropes of being a member of the Dandies when she first joined the band. Harley has a bright yellow sunflower on her hat, which is her favorite type of flower. She has a love for gardening, and enjoys the outdoors and being in the sun. Harley is a true sweetheart with a heart of gold.

Lamby Lamb

Lamby lamb is always up for a bit of fun with his friends! As the overseer of birthday parties at Sal’s, Lamby is always there to put on a big celebration. Onstage he isn’t the most significant, playing mostly small handheld items such as maracas, but he’s a real star when it comes to celebrations of any kind! Lamby is the newest member of the Dandies, and took him a while to get into the swing of things. It took Sal some time to be able to tolerate him, as Lamby would frequently make mistakes and do things he wasn’t supposed to which greatly annoyed Sal. When he first joined, Wesley gave him the nickname “Pipsqueak” due to his small stature, which Wesley still sometimes refers to him as to this day. Lamby has good intentions and a good heart, and is always wanting to have a good time!

Douglas Dog

No longer with us

All animatronic figures created by Jack Torrance.

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©Sal's Playplace, 1978.